How A Digital CMC™ Platform Enables Rapid Tech Transfer

“Tech transfer”: For drug development professionals, no two words conjure up more fear of exploding timelines and ballooning budgets. As essential and universal as this process may be, it’s still one of the most notorious bottlenecks in the industry—a time- and resource-consuming hurdle that slows all too many launches to a crawl.

So what if I told you there was a way to reduce transfer times from months to weeks and dramatically lower the average costs of a transfer project, all while reducing risk and improving the likelihood of success? Well in this blog, I’ll show you exactly how that’s possible—and how some top drug developers are already unlocking those outcomes today.

First, let’s talk about the problem.

Historically, if you asked a drug development professional to name the biggest gating factor on their timelines, the answer would be quick and easy: Clinical studies. Those eternal recruitment and data analysis processes!

In the past, at least in theory, living in the shadows of clinical development gave CMC programs and manufacturing teams “plenty of time” to execute processes like tech transfers. Why rush? After all, everyone would inevitably be waiting for the clinical data to read out. 

But now, no more.

In the last decade alone, clinical development programs have dramatically optimized and streamlined their operations—and in doing so, they’ve flipped the script on their cousins in technical development. Now, with clinical trials transformed and accelerated in many different ways, Clinical and CMC have largely traded places on the critical path to launch—leaving CMC programs scrambling to streamline suddenly glaring inefficiencies in processes like tech transfer. 

COVID-19 put an especially harsh spotlight on that specific issue. Global-scale vaccine development demanded hyper-aggressive timelines with an unprecedented pace and volume of tech transfers, and the industry’s traditional document-based processes simply couldn’t keep up. While clinical evaluation of COVID vaccines advanced at a groundbreaking pace, manufacturing became the bottleneck—and tech transfers’ multitude of inefficiencies finally became impossible to ignore.

Since then, many industry stakeholders have come to the consensus that CMC needs to evolve to keep pace with clinical science—and yet, despite the all-too-well-understood issues in the tech transfer process, many organizations still approach it with the same antiquated, document-based methods. As more and more leaders are stepping forward to say, this needs to change. The industry needs a new approach to tech transfer that keeps this vital step from delaying the launch of more innovative new therapies.

So how big of a problem does that new approach need to fix? Let’s take a closer look.

Where does all that time and money go?

Here’s the bracing answer from a recent McKinsey report on the state of industry tech transfers. The average tech transfer currently ranges from 24 to 30 months, spread across a fairly predictable series of stages:

Layering on the ISPE’s good practice guides on knowledge management and technology transfer then adds some more useful detail around the planning and technical transfer stages, where the activities are broken down into the following stages:

  • Form tech transfer team and develop charter
  • Consolidate knowledge for transfer
  • Agree to high level transfer proposal
  • Identify risks, conduct risk assessments, and develop transfer plan
  • Operational readiness
  • Process (procedure) qualification
  • Finalize tech transfer and perform review


Put these analyses together, and we can quickly see the trend: Pick a tech transfer project, and roughly half of it will likely be focused on planning and executing the transfer, including consolidating and organizing the critical product information and evaluating corresponding risks. Managed manually, using conventional documents, this hunt/gather/collate/analyze process is a common driver of extended tech transfer timelines. 

So what kind of costs does all that time add up to? The McKinsey report goes on to cite the resources required for a typical tech transfer for a vaccine candidate. Here are their assumptions and associated costs for the sourcing, planning, and technical transfer phases:

You read that right: For a 28-month tech transfer, the cost can range from $38M to $389M in personnel costs alone. That’s more than a gate on a critical path. That’s a boulder on the pathway to launch. 

The good news: There’s already a modern approach to tech transfer that can help break that rock down to granular, interlinked, easily shareable pieces. The tricky news: Breaking the boulder of legacy methods will take some work.

How much work? Let’s look a little closer at what’s really driving those time/cost pain points. 

Hint: It’s not calibrating the bioreactors.

“Okay, who’s got my binder?”

As any experienced CMC contributor can tell you, McKinsey’s report is “yikes” accurate: Each phase can involve large numbers of specialized personnel, complex workflows, multi-layered exchanges, and both physical and virtual workflows. But above all, every step in the process involves documents: hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of documents.

Reports, data tables, specifications, risk analyses: they come thick and fast in any tech transfer, usually over email and with little concern for workflow, collaboration, change management, or future use of the information they contain. Electronic or paper, and regardless of format—PDF, Word, Excel, PPT—all these documents bury a wealth of data and information in unstructured narratives. And while cloud-based collaboration tools like SharePoint have incrementally improved how these documents are exchanged and stored, it’s usually at the cost of complex folder structures that are onerous to navigate.

No matter how or where they’re stored, though, these documents have to be meticulously combed to extract the key technical information they contain. Making matters worse, all this information then gets duplicated in a new set of tech transfer documents describing gap and risk assessments, risk mitigation activities, and various plans. Documents beget documents that beget more documents.

With every new layer of documentation, the knowledge and information in those files get buried deeper and deeper—frozen in static formats that rarely reflect inevitable site-level adaptations. It’s a tedious, time-consuming, and archaic way to handle vast volumes of technical data. But it remains the industry’s default standard.

Today, of course, the limitations of this approach are all too well known. But all too often, the proposed solution is writing better documents or implementing better templates—marginal “improvements” that leave the problem intact. To truly solve these challenges, CMC programs need a transformational new way to manage their data and knowledge. 

And guess what: It’s already here.

Digital CMC: The secret to accelerating tech transfers

Simply put, Digital CMC is a way of reimagining how we manage drug development data. It’s a modern, granular method of tracking that data in structured repositories where individual information nodes can be connected to create a multidimensional dataset that’s easily searched and analyzed. 

These structured repositories are based on vertical integration of a knowledge base. In a Digital CMC framework, requirements are fully integrated with risk assessment tools, tangible production assets, and manufacturing data and analytics, bringing together every dimension of the data needed to define and justify the specific control strategies for a manufacturing process. 

And that’s where the magic begins.

With digitized CMC information, transfers can be effectively instantaneous: sending sites can simply share their digitally represented manufacturing process with their receiving sites. Gap and risk assessments can be dramatically streamlined too: With digital datasets on both ends of the transfer, sending and receiving site processes can be easily compared element by element to identify discrepancies, flag necessary changes, and assess risks.  

And those are far from the only benefits. Digital tech transfer ensures information is standardized and consistent—vital under any circumstances, but especially important for international or company-to-company transfers. Plus, transfers based on structured data frameworks lay the groundwork for digital best practices in many downstream processes: commercial manufacturing, continuous process verification, postapproval change management, and more.

This approach can slash both the time and costs associated with tech transfer projects. Conservative projections show potential cost savings that range from 77% to 83%, based on just time and personnel savings alone. Meanwhile, real-world experience has shown that major drug developers can reduce their tech transfer costs by as much as 50% per transfer by adopting Digital CMC methodologies.

And it all starts with just one critical step.

Why structuring CMC data is the key

Ultimately, traditional data management methods and the Digital CMC approach are two different ways to accomplish similar goals: capturing, organizing, and curating program data. The big difference: only one of these approaches makes that data easily accessible, searchable, visualizable, and more. 

The defining trait of document-based data is flatness: The information has no depth greater than the document it’s stored in, and it’s all compressed into a single narrative layer with no connection to any other data source. Digital CMC adds dimension, and for dimension you need structure: discrete nodes of information that can be linked, connected, and organized into datasets, like atoms in a molecule. 

Structuring CMC data this way unlocks a range of powerful functions: just to name a few, nodes of interest can be easily searched and identified, chains of causality become easy to trace, and the overall structure can be easily aligned with commercial phases. Once that dataset contains all the information related to your manufacturing processes and control strategy, you can query, analyze, and contextualize any component of that data in just a few clicks.

The next step: Vertically integrating the data structure

Converting unstructured data into individual connected data nodes—or “atomizing” the data—is a big step toward tackling tech transfers’ biggest challenges. But it’s by no means the whole solution. Structures are meant to be built on, and that’s a key goal of Digital CMC methodologies: transforming connected data into a vertically integrated knowledge base with a product-centric model optimized for commercialization and post-approval operations. 

How should that framework be organized? For drug developers, the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) has provided an architecture globally endorsed by regulatory agencies and the industry. The figure below shows a vertically integrated information structure specific to drug development, where requirements form the foundation of the Digital CMC knowledge base and context builds over time to provide a complete story of control with appropriate justification. This structure also aligns nicely with the requirements of pharmaceutical development outlined in ICH guidelines Q8 to Q12.

Here’s a step-by-step look at how it takes shape:

  • Stage 1 of this framework starts with a requirements-based foundation where patient, product, and process requirements can all be defined and tracked individually with their associated information. 
  • Stage 2 adds the tools of quality risk management (QRM) described in ICH Q9 and Q10. Each requirement can then be separately assessed for risk, while process requirements can be digitally linked to product requirements and product requirements can be linked back to patient safety/efficacy attributes. This creates risk-based traceability as recommended throughout ICH Q8–Q10.
  • Stage 3 integrates raw material and manufacturing data. This data can be analyzed to identify trends and assess process capabilities, enabling a key feedback loop that ensures consistent focus on areas that need the greatest attention. 
  • Stage 4 folds in the tangible assets of production: raw materials, components, and equipment. While traditional data management methods provide limited visibility into these factors, digitally tracking how these assets influence qualification, performance, and supplier risk helps enable the 360-degree view recommended by ICH Q10.
  • Stage 5 uses all the other stages to justify the control strategies identified for the validated process. With the strong knowledge base established in steps 1-4, it’s much easier to define those strategies, defend them over time, and manage inevitable process changes and impact assessments post-approval. 


In those 5 steps, CMC data takes a complete journey from flat, document-bound narratives to a comprehensive, structured, contextualized CMC dataset. Within that structure, each and every data element is easily accessible. Process relationships, interdependencies, and chains of causality jump off the screen. True process understanding takes shape. 

Powerful enough already? Let’s take a look at how this concept can turn one of drug development’s biggest roadblocks into a seamlessly efficient digital workflow.

How Digital CMC lays the foundation for digital tech transfer

If you’re wondering whether structuring CMC data is a must-do step or a nice-to-have bonus, consider how long it typically takes to develop a new drug product using traditional approaches to process development, manufacturing, and validation: as long as 7-8 years. 

During this period, vast amounts of data are generated by complex activities essential to product formulation, manufacturing process, recipes, materials, equipment, and more—and that’s all within one originating site. All that knowledge and information will eventually need to be transferred to a different site or sites, whether to scale up production, expand existing capacity, or in-house a manufacturing program. 

Can that be accomplished using conventional document-based methods? Absolutely. But doing so can often make that 7-8-year figure a conservative one. Document-based tech transfer can get bogged down at multiple steps, with a seemingly endless loop of document production that only gets worse at the regulatory finish line—and then gets multiplied by every site that needs to onboard the product and its processes.

So how would that scenario change if the relevant CMC data were represented in a structured data framework using a Digital CMC approach? In that case, a transfer that might otherwise take numerous meetings and hundreds of documents to initiate can start much, much faster—with the click of a button. 

With a digital tech transfer, an entire multi-year process can typically be distilled into 6 core steps:

Step 1: Initiate

To start a digital tech transfer, all a sending site needs to do is clone their process description into a new process structure for the receiving site in the Digital CMC platform. Cntrl-C, Cntrl V, done: unit operations, steps, materials, equipment, process parameters, material attributes, in-process controls, everything. 

Bonus: A Digital CMC platform with a structured data framework can automatically link sending-site data and receiving-site data. Both datasets can then be instantly compared at any point in the transfer process, no digging through documents and reports required.


Step 2: Modify 

Post-clone, the receiving site can then adapt individual aspects of the process to optimize them for a new scale or facility. Using a bigger bioreactor from a different supplier? The structured data framework makes it easy to find and modify those parameters.. 


Step 3: Gap Assessment 

Once the receiving site has adapted the process, sender and receiver then have two iterations of the original dataset that can be compared node by node. A couple of clicks can display side-by-side views that illuminate gaps and divergences and enable both sides to drill down further anywhere they need to.


Step 4: Risk Assessment

Once sites have identified the gaps and differences between their process iterations, they need to answer another big question: Which ones really matter? With node-level visibility into their gap assessment, answering that question is simple: A Digital CMC platform with integrated risk assessment capabilities can make it easy to separately assess the relative risk each node pair may pose to the overall transfer. 


Step 5: Risk Mitigation

Once they’ve identified all their risks, sites can take data-guided steps to evaluate how the receiving site process performs relative to the sending site’s source version. Multiple workflows—characterization studies, supply chain management, quality management, and more—may all need to be conducted to confirm that the iterated process meets the required specifications and to provide justifications for any transfer-related regulatory approvals or notifications. 


Step 6: Execute 

Lastly, both sending and receiving sites can finalize the transfer by evaluating operational readiness, qualifying the process performance at the new site, and completing a final review. 


The ultimate outcome of these 6 steps: A complete set of process data for each pair of sending and receiving sites. 

The endless document routing stops: Since the data elements on both sides have been freed from static formats, the data in the Digital CMC platform are always current. Tech transfer reports that might have taken months to create and review can now be collaboratively updated in real time and published at the click of a button.   

So what’s that worth in the numbers that really matter? Let’s take a look!

The ROI of digital tech transfer

First, let’s flash back to that McKinsey estimate: $38M to $389M in personnel costs for a 28-month tech transfer. And that doesn’t factor in delays due to poor planning or understanding of the process or analytical methods—or, for that matter, additional material/CAPEX costs due to manufacturing deviations or qualification failures at the receiving site. 

But what if a drug developer managed their tech transfer with a Digital CMC platform like QbDVIsion? What if they took a structured digital approach that eliminated burdensome documents and enabled instant process sharing and point-to-point risk analyses across every site in the transfer? 

It’s not hard to imagine the dramatic savings they could unlock. But actually, we don’t have to. Here’s just a taste of the kind of remarkable savings some QbDVIsion users have achieved:

Global enterprise drug developer


reduction in internal tech transfer costs


reduction in labor costs for average site-to-site tech transfer


reduction in time to perform gap assessments

Major regional generics manufacturer


reduction in reporting times


faster internal tech transfers


reduction in time to perform gap assessments

Mid-sized US drug developer

6-12 months

eliminated from tech transfer timelines


faster internal tech transfers

That’s the power of deploying a Digital CMC solution. It doesn’t just digitize data exchange: It streamlines the entire tech transfer workflow, from eliminating meetings to reducing manual tasks, simplifying risk assessments, and automating regulatory documentation. The savings for drug developers can be dramatic: in fact, a conservative projection of program savings indicates that per-transfer savings could be up to $6.6M… for every single transfer projects.

The question, then, isn’t whether drug developers should adopt a Digital CMC approach to accelerating tech transfers. McKinsey’s report—and the real-world savings that approach is already delivering—make it clear that digitizing this essential process is now unequivocally a must.

Ready to get started? We absolutely are!

As you can see, a Digital CMC platform like QbDVision can open up a world of possibilities for dramatic efficiency improvements. If you’d like to see how your organization could reap some of those benefits with your next “tech sharing” workflow, reach out to our experts at any time. We’ll be more than happy to show you how QbDVIsion can streamline and accelerate this vital process.

Tina Beaumont

Managing Director, Life Sciences Strategy, Accenture

Tina is a Managing Director in Accenture’s Life Sciences Strategy practice with over 15 years experience in the industry. 

Tina is a transformation leader and helps her clients to architect and implement complex enterprise programs, including digital and process transformations, strategic cost take-out programs, change management and process re-design & engineering.

2019 Philadelphia Business Journal Minority Business Leader Award, 2023 Healthcare Business Association Rising Star Honoree, 2025 Bryn Mawr Health Foundation Board Member.

Whitney Pung

Life Sciences Strategy & Consulting, Accenture

Whitney has dedicated her career to helping large biopharma companies accelerate new product introduction with Digital CMC and PLM capabilities.

Her passion lies within the democratization of data; enabling powerful product and process knowledge to seamlessly span early discovery through commercial manufacturing and quality.

Tommy Cronin

Digital Technical Manager, AbbVie

Experienced Technical Leader with many years of GMP pharmaceutical experience in multiple roles such as Technology Transfer Lead, Process Chemistry, Process engineering, Validation and QC analytical.

Delivery of NPI technology transfers and commercial product continuous improvement projects working with all levels within an organization.

Passionate about maximizing the use of data and digital tools to support pharmaceutical manufacturing and tech transfer.

Christoph Pistek

Vice President, Head of Sustainability and Technology, R&D, Takeda

Christoph Pistek is a senior pharmaceutical executive with 20 years of experience across the full continuum of the pharmaceutical product lifecycle. With an interdisciplinary engineering background, deep expertise in technology operations, and a strong foundation in business administration, he applies a holistic and strategic approach to pervasive change.

As Vice President, Head of Sustainability and Technology, R&D at Takeda, Christoph currently is accountable for large-scale global innovation, advancing emerging capabilities and novel approaches in drug discovery and development, while ensuring alignment with Takeda’s Net-Zero objectives.

His career is defined by end-to-end transformation across Research, CMC, Manufacturing, Quality, Regulatory, and Supply Chain, seamlessly integrating business excellence principles and technological advancements to accelerate efficient and scalable pharmaceutical operations.

Kevin Healy

CRO at Datahow LLC.

Kevin Healy brings over three decades of Pharmaceutical process development and manufacturing ranging from process optimization in plants, design-build of end-to-end bioprocesses from R&D through manufacturing scale to this topic of hybrid process modeling.  Over the last decade he has taken his real-world process knowledge and applied it to the digitalization of Pharmaceutical and other related Life Sciences processes.  

Kevin has an MS in engineering from Drexel University and is currently the CRO for DataHow.  DataHow has pioneered the development of AI-powered bioprocess models and methods and applied them to bioprocess development objectives.

Devendra Deshmukh

Head of Strategy, Product, & Partnerships, Thermo Fisher Scientific – Digital Science

Devendra has enjoyed a rich career on both the sell and buy sides of technology products and services, primarily within the life and laboratory sciences sectors.

Currently with Thermo Fisher Scientific, Devendra leads strategy, product management, marketing, and strategic partnerships for Digital Science. In this role, Devendra focuses on delivering innovative solutions to the biopharmaceutical industry, developed by Thermo Fisher as well as through a robust partner ecosystem, aimed at accelerating scientific progress and enhancing productivity from molecule discovery to medicine development.

Before joining Thermo Fisher Scientific, Devendra held leadership positions including GM for AlinIQ Global Services & Support at Abbott Diagnostics, leader of the Scientific Informatics practice in Boston at Accenture, Executive Director for Global Research IT at Merck, and VP and GM for PerkinElmer Informatics.

Lewis Shipp

Digital CMC Specialist, QbDVision

Pharmaceutical scientist and expert in drug development & manufacturing across various therapeutic areas. Currently a Digital CMC Specialist at QbDVision, helping global pharma/biotech companies streamline CMC workflows to accelerate therapy delivery.

Mike Greene

Principal Engineer – TS/MS Digital Strategy, Eli Lilly and Company

Mike Greene is currently Principal Engineer – Technical Services Digital Strategy at Eli Lilly and Company where he serves as the technical subject matter expert on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), bringing together his expertise in process control strategy across modalities and networks with his passion for transformational digital initiatives. Previously, he worked on various global cross-functional initiatives supporting Quality, Manufacturing and Technical Services including data criticality assessments for multiple modalities of API, Drug Product, Device Assembly, and Packaging processes across over 10 sites. He began his career as a frontline Technical Services engineer supporting mAb API production and SME on select unit operations and instruments. Mike graduated from Purdue University with his bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering and in his free time enjoys hiking and exploring the wilderness with his friends and family as well as on solo adventures.

Bill Pasutti

Associate Director of Data Science, AskBio

Bill has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 15 years in R&D and process development at Merck, Novartis, and AskBio. In his current role as Associate Director of Data Science, he leads a company-wide effort in creating digital road maps and connecting data sources within pre-clinical manufacturing, process development, and MSAT. His efforts are meant to improve communication and collaboration through digitalization and promote data-driven decision-making.

Victor Goetz

PhD, Executive Director, TS/MS New Modalities and Data Strategy, Eli Lilly and Company

Victor is the Executive Director of Technical Services New Modalities and Data Strategy at Eli Lilly and Company. Leveraging his 35 years of industry experience in developing and commercializing nine novel medicines to enhance the exchange of knowledge needed to speed delivery of new medicines to patients. Previous to Lilly, he held process development, manufacturing support, and laboratory automation roles at Merck and holds a BS in chemical engineering from Stanford University and a PhD in chemical and biochemical engineering from the University of Pennsylvania.

Isabel Guerrero Montero

MSAT USP Senior Scientist, Viralgen Vector Core

Isabel currently works at Viralgen Commercial Therapeutic Vector Core as an MSAT Scientist part of the Technology Transfer team. She has years of experience in molecular biology, cell culture and fermentation research with industrial experience as an Upstream Technician responsible for batch record writing and reviewing.

Vijay Raju


Vijay currently leads CMC activities to deliver on Pioneering Medicines portfolio. The portfolio is built on Flagship Pioneering’s bio-platforms covering multiple modalities (small molecules, biologics, cell & gene therapies). Vijay was previously in technical leadership roles at Novartis.

Andy Zheng

Data Solution Architect, ZAETHER

A Data Solution Architect working at ZAETHER who strives to grow and develop cutting edge solutions in industrial automation and life science. Andy has 5+ years of experience within the software automation field providing innovative solutions to customers which improve process efficiency.

Tim Adkins

Director of Digital Life Sciences Operations, ZÆTHER
Tim Adkins is a Director of Digital Life Sciences Operations at ZÆTHER, serving the life science industry by assisting companies reach their desired business outcomes through digital IT/OT solutions. He has 30 years of industry experience as an IT/OT leader in global operational improvements and support, manufacturing system design, and implementation programs.

Ravi Medandravu

Associate Vice President, Manufacturing and Quality Tech, Eli Lilly and Company

Ravi Medandravu is a seasoned healthcare executive with over 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, specializing in global market access and health economics. He has successfully led teams to develop and implement strategies that enhance patient access to innovative therapies worldwide.

Barbara Tessier

Technical Project Lead, invoX Pharma

A great opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals in the pharma industry who are passionate about digital tools like QbDVision. Learning about advancements in Digital CMC, tech transfer, and AI in the pharma sector broadened my understanding and inspired me to explore innovative approaches in my work.

Luke Guerrero

COO, QbDVision

A veteran technologist and company leader with a global CV, Luke currently oversees the core business operations across QbDVision and its teams. Before joining QbDVision, he developed, grew, and led key practices for international agency Brand Networks, and spent six years deploying technology and business strategies for PricewaterhouseCoopers’ CIO Advisory consulting unit.

Michael Stapleton

Board Director, QbDVision

Michael Stapleton is a life sciences leader with success spanning leadership roles in software, consumables, instruments, services, consulting, and pharmaceuticals. He is a constant innovator, optimist, influencer, and digital thought leader identifying the next strategic challenge in life sciences, executing and operationalizing on high impact strategic plans to drive growth.

Yash Sabharwal​

President & CEO, QbDVision

Yash Sabharwal is an accomplished inventor, entrepreneur, and executive specializing in the funding and growth of early-stage technology companies focused on life science applications. He has started 3 companies and successfully exited his last two, bringing a wealth of strategic and tactical experience to the team.

Laurent Lefebvre - Headshot

Laurent Lefebvre

RA CMC Director, Novartis

Laurent is the Director of RA GDD CMC at Novartis. With over 10 years of experience working as a worldwide Regulatory CMC Project Lead on blockbuster brands, he is an expert in the entire CMC product lifecycle in global regulatory environments. Laurent has been a core team member of the Novartis Regulatory Strategy and Intelligence for IDMP since 2014 and a member of the EFPIA ICH M4Q support team. He is involved in regular collaborations cross-industry (IDMP roundtables, Pistoia Alliance), digital initiatives (RIM structured authoring, master data & PLM), reviewer of the ISO IDMP guidelines and a Novartis contributor to regulatory intelligence discussions.
Laurent Lefebvre - Headshot

James Maxwell

Life Sciences Innovation Lead, Accenture

James Maxwell is an Innovation Lead at Accentures Global Centre for R&D and Innovation. He leads strategic innovation programs with global Life Sciences organizations to solve challenges, rapidly prototype and prove value for future solutions across the end-to-end Life Sciences value chain. With a background in design, research and innovation strategy he has worked with multiple organizations to take an innovation approach for solving challenges across CMC.
Paul Denny-Gouldson - Headshot

Paul Denny-Gouldson

CSO, Zifo

Paul is the CSO at Zifo RnD Solutions, a global specialist scientific and process informatics service provider working across research, development, manufacturing and clinical domains. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computational Biology from Essex University in 1996 and started his career as a Post Doc, and subsequently Senior Scientist at Sanofi-Synthelabo Toulouse (now Sanofi) for five years, where he managed a multidisciplinary molecular and cell biology department. He has also founded a number of companies focused on combining science, technology and business, and authored more than 25 scientific papers and book chapters.
Chris McCurdy

Chris McCurdy

Chief Architect of Healthcare and Life Sciences at Amazon Web Services

Chris McCurdy serves as Chief Architect of Healthcare and Life Sciences (HCLS) for Amazon Web Services (AWS), where he leads teams responsible for architecting cutting-edge services, unlocking data assets, and opening novel analytics capabilities for customers. With over 20 years of industry experience, Chris plays a key role in envisioning and developing innovative solutions and services that accelerate customer value while improving patient outcomes.
Isabell Hagemann Headshot - Digital CMC Basecamp - QbDVision

Isabell Hagemann

Scientific Assistant, Biological Development, Downstream, Bayer AG

Isabell Hagemann is a biochemical engineer by training and has worked at Bayer AG in the biological development downstream department in 2017. In that time, she has worked on process development, process characterization, and the technology transfers of several biologics using high-throughput development systems, modeling approaches, and knowledge management tools.

Ganga Kalidindi

Global Head TRD Data Assets & Insights, Novartis

As the Global Head TRD Data Assets and Insights at Novartis, Ganga Kalidindi brings a unique combination of Information Technology and Product Development expertise to delivering in a regulatory landscape. Throughout his career, he has striven to make direct positive impact on business providing leadership that creates cross-functional high-performing teams. Focusing on complex business and technical challenges, leading through change, and creating success that takes programs and companies to a winning status.
Fran Leira Headshot - Digital CMC Basecamp - QbDVision

Fran Leira

Global Head of Process Engineering CoE, CSL Behring

Fran Leira is a biopharma Professional with over 20 years of experience in QC, MSAT/Tech Ops at companies like Genentech, GSK, Merck, and Lonza where he supported Product and Process Lifecycle Management at site-based and global roles. He is currently the Global Head of Process Engineering CoE at CSL Behring.

Florian Aupert Headshot - Digital CMC Basecamp - QbDVision

Florian Aupert

Lab Head, Biological Development, Bayer AG

Florian has a B. Sc. and M. Sc. in pharmaceutical biotechnology with a focus on bioprocess engineering. Since 2018, he’s worked at Bayer AG in Biological Development, concentrating on portfolio program management and tech transfer.

Devendra Deshmukh

Global Head, Digital Science Business Operations, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Devendra Deshmukh currently leads Global Business Operations for Digital Science Solutions at Thermo Fisher Scientific. In this role he oversees operations broadly for the business across its product portfolio and leads the global professional services, technical support, and product education teams.

Mark Fish

Managing Director, Scientific Informatics, Accenture

Mark Fish is Managing Director and Global Lead for Accenture’s Scientific Informatics Services Business. Mark has over 25 years of experience in leadership roles in Accenture, Brooks Life Sciences and Thermo Fisher Scientific delivering innovative solutions to the pharmaceutical sector and is passionate about drug discovery and development, translation research and manufacturing transformation. Mark has extensive experience in agile software development, data strategy, process engineering and robotic automation for research, analytical development and quality control in Life Sciences.

Chris Puzzo

Solution Architect, Digital & Data, Zaether

Chris is a Solution Architect with Zaether, focusing on delivering next-generation digital and data solutions for GxP Life Sciences customers. Chris has previously held technical operations roles within multiple gene therapy manufacturers, including Thermo Fisher Scientific’s CDMO organization where he supported various capital projects including the design, build, and startup of new GxP manufacturing capacity.

Victor Goetz, Ph.D

Executive Director, TS/MS New Modalities and Data Strategy, Eli Lilly and Company

Victor Goetz, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of Technical Services New Modalities and Data Strategy at Eli Lilly and Company. He has over 35 years of industry experience in developing and commercializing nine novel medicines to enhance the exchange of knowledge needed to speed the delivery of new medicines to patients. Dr. Goetz holds a BS in chemical engineering from Stanford University and a PhD in chemical and biochemical engineering from the University of Pennsylvania.

Rachelle Howard

Director of Manufacturing Systems Automation and Digital Strategy, Vertex Pharmaceuticals

Rachelle is the Director of Manufacturing Systems Automation and Digital Strategy for Vertex’s Small Molecule Manufacturing Center. She oversees the site Automation Engineering function and has co-led Vertex’s global Digital Manufacturing Transformation program since 2019. She leads several initiatives related to data integrity, data management, and employee education. Rachelle is a graduate of Tufts University and the University of Connecticut where she has degrees in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Process Control.

Vijay Raju

Vice President, CMC Management, Flagship Pioneering

Vijay currently leads CMC activities to deliver on Pioneering Medicines portfolio. The portfolio is built on Flagship Pioneering’s bio-platforms covering multiple modalities (small molecules, biologics, cell & gene therapies). Vijay was previously in technical leadership roles at Novartis.

Greg Troiano

Head of cGMP Strategic Supply & Operations, mRNA Center of Excellence, Sanofi

Greg serves as Head of cGMP Strategic Supply and Operations at the mRNA Center of Excellence at Sanofi, where he is responsible for all aspects of clinical production and raw material supply chain. He joined Sanofi via acquisition of Translate Bio, where he was Chief Manufacturing Officer and responsible for Technical Operations. Over his 20+ year career in the drug delivery field, Greg had various roles leading the pharmaceutical development of complex formulations, including numerous nano- and microparticle based systems. Greg received his MSE and BS in Biomedical Engineering from The Johns Hopkins University and was elected and inducted into the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) College of Fellows in 2020 for recognition of his accomplishments in drug delivery.

Pat Sacco

Senior Vice President Manufacturing, Quality, and Operations, SalioGen

Pat is a Biotechnology technical operations executive with 30+ years of experience leading and managing technical operations functions at numerous innovative companies in the biotech and life sciences industries. He has a passion for advancing and implementing best practices in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Diana Bowley

Associate Director, Data & Digital Strategy, AbbVie

Diana is the Associate Director, Data & Digital Strategy in S&T-Biologics Development and Launch leading the organization’s Digital Transformation since October 2021. She joined AbbVie in 2012 in the R&D-Discovery Biologics group focused on antibody and multi-specific protein screening and engineering, leading multiple programs to the cell line development stage. In 2017 she joined Information Research and led a team of IT professionals who supported AbbVie’s Discovery Scientists in Biotherapeutics, Chemistry, Immunology and Neuroscience. She has a PhD in Molecular Biology from The Scripps Research Institute and Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from The University of Northern Iowa.

Robert Dimitri, M.S., M.B.A.

Director Digital Quality Systems, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Robert Dimitri is a Director of Digital Quality Systems in Thermofisher’s Pharma Services Group. Previously he was a Digital Transformation and Innovation Lead in Takeda’s Business Excellence for the Biologics Operating Unit while leading Digital and Data Sciences groups in Manufacturing Sciences at Takeda’s Massachusetts Biologics Site.

Devendra Deshmukh

Global Head, Digital Science Business Operations, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Devendra Deshmukh currently leads Global Business Operations for Digital Science Solutions at Thermo Fisher Scientific. In this role he oversees operations broadly for the business across its product portfolio and leads the global professional services, technical support, and product education teams.

Grant Henderson

Sr. Dir. Manufacturing Science and Technology, VernalBio

Grant Henderson is the Senior Director of Manufacturing Science and Technology at Vernal Biosciences. He has years of expertise in pharmaceutical manufacturing process development/characterization, advanced design of experiments, and principles of operational excellence.

Ryan Nielsen

Life Sciences Global Sales Director, Rockwell Automation

Ryan Nielsen is the Life Sciences Global Sales Director at Rockwell Automation. He has over 17 years of industry experience and a passion for collaboration in solving complex problems and adding value to the life sciences space.

Shameek Ray

Head of Quality Manufacturing Informatics, Zifo

Shameek Ray is the Head of Quality Manufacturing Informatics and Zifo and has extensive experience in implementing laboratory informatics and automation for life sciences, forensics, consumer goods, chemicals, food and beverage, and crop science industries. With his background in services, consulting, and product management, he has helped numerous labs embark on their digital transformation journey.

Max Peterson​

Lab Data Automation Practice Manager, Zifo

Max Petersen is the Lab Data Automation Practice Manager at Zifo responsible for developing strategy for their Lab Data Automation Solution (LDAS) offerings. He has over 20 years of experience in informatics and simulation technologies in life sciences, chemicals, and materials applications.

Michael Stapleton

Board Director, QbDVision

Michael Stapleton is a life sciences leader with success spanning leadership roles in software, consumables, instruments, services, consulting, and pharmaceuticals. He is a constant innovator, optimist, influencer, and digital thought leader identifying the next strategic challenge in life sciences, executing and operationalizing on high impact strategic plans to drive growth.

Matthew Schulze

Head of Digital Pioneering Medicines & Regulatory Systems, Flagship Pioneering

Matt Schulze is a Senior Director in the Flagship Digital, IT, and Informatics team, where he leads and manages the digital evolution for Pioneering Medicines. His role is pivotal in ensuring that digital strategies align with the overall goals and objectives of the Flagship Pioneering initiative.

His robust background in digital life sciences includes expertise in applications, informatics, data management, and IT/OT management. He previously spearheaded Digital Biomanufacturing Applications at Resilience, a CDMO start-up backed by Arch, where he established a team responsible for implementing global manufacturing automation systems, Quality Assurance applications, laboratory systems, and data management applications.

Matt holds a B.S. in Biology and Biotechnology from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and an M.B.A. from the Boston University Questrom School of Business, where he focused on Strategy and Innovation.

Daniel R. Matlis

Founder and President, Axendia

Daniel R. Matlis is the Founder and President of Axendia, an analyst firm providing trusted advice to life science executives on business, technology, and regulatory issues. He has three decades of industry experience spanning all life science and is an active contributor to FDA’s Case for Quality Initiative. Dan is also a member of the FDA’s advisory council on modeling, simulation, and in-silico clinical trials and co-chaired the Product Quality Outcomes Analytics initiative with agency officials.

Kir Henrici

CEO, The Henrici Group

Kir is a life science consultant working domestically and internationally for over 12 years in support of quality and compliance for pharma and biotech. Her deep belief in adopting digital technology and data analytics as the foundation for business excellence and life science innovation has made her a key member of PDA and ISPE – she currently serves on the PDA Regulatory Affairs/Quality Advisory Board

Oliver Hesse

VP & Head of Biotech Data Science & Digitalization, Bayer Pharmaceuticals

Oliver Hesse is the current VP & Head of Biotech Data Science & Digitalization for Bayer, based in Berkeley, California. He has a degree in Biotechnology from TU Berlin and started his career in a Biotech start-up in Germany before joining Bayer in 2008 to work on automation, digitalization, and the application of data science in the biopharmaceutical industry.

John Maguire

Director of Manufacturing Sciences, Sanofi mRNA Center of Excellence

With over 18 years of process engineering experience, John is an expert in the application of process engineering and operational technology in support of the production of life science therapeutics. His work includes plant capability analysis, functional specification development, and the start-up of drug substance manufacturing facilities in Ireland and the United States.

Chris Kopinski

Business Development Executive, Life Sciences and Healthcare at AWS

As a Business Development Executive at Amazon Web Services, Chris leads teams focused on tackling customer problems through digital transformation. This experience includes leading business process intelligence and data science programs within the global technology organizations and improving outcomes through data-driven development practices.

Tim Adkins

Digital Life Science Operations, ZAETHER

Tim Adkins is a Director of Digital Life Sciences Operations at ZAETHER, serving the life science industry by assisting companies reach their desired business outcomes through digital IT/OT solutions. He has 30 years of industry experience as an IT/OT leader in global operational improvements and support, manufacturing system design, and implementation programs.

Blake Hotz

Manufacturing Sciences Data Manager, Sanofi

At Sanofi’s mRNA Center of Excellence, Blake Hotz focuses on developing data ingestion and cleaning workflows using digital tools. He has over 5 years of experience in biotech and holds degrees in Chemical Engineering (B.S.) and Biomedical Engineering (M.S.) from Tufts University.

Anthony DeBiase

Offering Manager, Rockwell Automation

Anthony has over 14 years of experience in the life science industry focusing on process development, operational technology (OT) implementation, technology transfer, CMC and cGMP manufacturing in biologics, cell therapies, and regenerative medicine.

Andy Zheng

Data Solution Architect, ZÆTHER

Andy Zheng is a Data Solution Architect at ZÆTHER who strives to grow and develop cutting-edge solutions in industrial automation and life science. His years of experience within the software automation field focused on bringing innovative solutions to customers which improve process efficiency.

Sue Plant

Phorum Director, Regulatory CMC, Biophorum

Sue Plant is the Phorum Director of Regulatory CMC at BioPhorum, a leading network of biopharmaceutical organizations that aims to connect, collaborate, and accelerate innovation. With over 20 years of experience in life sciences, regulatory, and technology, she focuses on improving access to medicines through innovation in the regulatory ecosystem.

Yash Sabharwal​

President & CEO, QbDVision

Yash Sabharwal is an accomplished inventor, entrepreneur, and executive specializing in the funding and growth of early-stage technology companies focused on life science applications. He has started 3 companies and successfully exited his last two, bringing a wealth of strategic and tactical experience to the team.

Joschka Buyel

Director of Product Management, QbDVision

Joschka Buyel is the Director of Product Management at QbDVision. He was previously responsible for the rollout and integration of QbDVision at Bayer and worked on various late-stage projects as a Quality-by-Design Expert for Product & Process Characterization, Process Validation, and Transfers. Joschka has a Ph.D. in Drug Sciences from Bonn University and a M.S. and B.S. in Molecular and Applied Biotechnology from the RWTH University.

Luke Guerrero

COO, QbDVision

A veteran technologist and company leader with a global CV, Luke currently oversees the core business operations across QbDVision and its teams. Before joining QbDVision, he developed, grew, and led key practices for international agency Brand Networks, and spent six years deploying technology and business strategies for PricewaterhouseCoopers’ CIO Advisory consulting unit.

Gloria Gadea Lopez

Head of Global Consultancy, Business Platforms | Ph.D., Biosystems Engineering

Gloria Gadea-Lopez is the Head of Global Consultancy at Business Platforms. Using her prior extensive experience in the biopharmaceutical industry, she supports companies in developing strategies and delivering digital systems for successful operations. She holds degrees in Chemical Engineering, Food Science (M.S.), and Biosystems Engineering (Ph.D.)

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